Outdoor advertising campaign to promote exhibition of elaborate artworks made of food
AGMedia have just completed the print, production and installation of a city light pole banner campaign throughout the streets of Los Angeles to promote ‘The Edible Monument’ – an exhibition at The Getty Center in Los Angeles, open daily through to March 13th, 2016.
Elaborate artworks made of food were created for royal court and civic celebrations in early modern Europe. Like today’s Rose Bowl Parade on New Year’s Day or Mardi Gras just before Lent, festivals were times for exuberant parties. Public celebrations and street parades featured large-scale edible monuments made of breads, cheeses, and meats. At court festivals, banquet settings and dessert buffets displayed magnificent table monuments with heraldic and emblematic themes made of sugar, flowers, and fruit. This exhibition, drawn from the Getty Research Institute’s Festival Collection, features rare books and prints, including early cookbooks and serving manuals that illustrate the methods and materials for making edible monuments.
For further information about the exhibition click here.