get more from your outdoor advertising with social media

With the ever-growing popularity of social media, an online presence is vital for the success of your business. It can be all too easy to focus on the digital side of your marketing plan but you shouldn’t let physical advertisements escape your marketing plan. The trick is to ensure that when you using outdoor media, such as City Light Pole Banners or window graphics, your campaigns and messages are harmonized with your online brand to promote sales and to increase your business’s presence. Directing people who view your outdoor advertising to your online presence can help your business thrive.

Establish a strong brand online

The first step toward optimising your outdoor advertising actually takes place entirely online; strengthen your online branding. It is really important to make sure that your online branding is up to scratch and coherent, this will really help when it comes to ensuring your outdoor media compliments your online campaigns. Ensure that you are consistent in the color you use, the words you incorporate, your taglines and any hashtags you have adopted as part of your brand.

Outdoor media which ensures your customers click online

Once your online presence is secure and you are planning a campaign involving outdoor media, it is important to consider which design will work best for you. City Light Pole Banners are ideal for announcing a new theatre production from a local College, whereas Window Graphics or Sidewalk stickers would be preferable for smaller, short term campaigns. The next step is to create an impactful design. (Don’t worry if you don’t have any ideas, our design team at AGMedia can help!) Take inspiration from your online presence, keeping all graphic branding identical; colours, logos, fonts and brand images. Try and create your text to highlight your online presence, with clear use of hashtags that represent your brand on social media, for example, to direct viewers where to go online.

Increase online activity and boost your campaign at the same time!

Incorporating directions and words which link your outdoor media to your online presence can help boost your business. Styling and wording your City Light Pole Banners and outdoor media to compliment your online presence, using these tips, will increase your online traffic and boost interest in your business. Talk to us at AGMedia today about planning the very best outdoor advertising campaign possible.

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