Outdoor Advertising for Theaters

Whether your college group is hosting their first performance of their performing arts course, the first time before a live audience, or an established theater company stepping out in a touring production of an old favourite – without people to perform to, a production just isn’t the same. It’s a real privilege to watch live theater, if you’ve been before, it’s inevitable that watching real life productions can really impress and you will be keen to see anything new and your favourite actors in their latest piece. In some performing arts courses today, there is often an added element of understanding promotion and marketing of your production – inspiring spectators to pick up a ticket and to choose to see your performance – so how do you catch the attention of both the seasoned theater goer and the newcomer?

Outdoor Advertising for Theaters

When you advertise in a printed magazine or newpaper, how do you know that people will see it more than once, and take in your message? – in simple terms, you don’t. So why not try outdoor media? Think about the main routes people take daily, when travelling to and from work, taking children to school or visiting friends, they will often pass the same place on a number of occasions, sometimes more than once per day. Taking advantage of this, AGMedia offer a variety of outdoor media solutions which can be installed on popular thoroughfares or on your own buildings to attract attention when you need it. For example, a local college announcing their end of season run of shows for their performing arts department might want to put up a building banner on the hall in which the show is on, or banners around campus. Or for a new show in a busy area of the city – why not look at building banners or city light pole banners?

Make sure you have a full house with AGMedia outdoor media solutions!

Photo credit: Igor Bulgarin / Shutterstock.com

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